MEDAN, yes that is my destination for vacation in December..
Medan is amazing city, why??
there a lot of foods that serve by the best taste, start from pangsit, panggang, fried rice, until bakpao, you have know because the most important thing is that food is so cheap so you can buy it with your own money. LOL
after few days i went to my mother village, in Porsea, anyone know that place, i don't think so you know about that place is small part in North Sumatra.
there i am not enjoyed the time, because i got fever so i cannot go to anywhere just stayed at home and enjoyed the cake! you know guy, the temp is so cool, i think is about 4-6 C...(Y)
went to TARUTUNG, that is one of small city in North Sumatra but it is bigger than Porsea. there is so many tourism sites, let me count, Soda water pool, Center church, Salib kasih, and many moreeee....
this is the picture that i take with my handphone: (enjoy this)

this is salib kasih
many thanks!!!!
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